Πολιτικές για ασφαλείς κωδικούς

Responsibilities of systems processing passwords

– Passwords must be prohibited from being displayed when entered.
– Passwords must never be stored in clear, readable format (encryption must always be used).
– Encrypted password hashes must never be accessible to unauthorized individuals.
– Where possible, salted hashes should be used for password encryption.

Password requirements

– At least eight (8) characters; using a combination of at least one character from each of the following four listed character types:
— uppercase letters (A-Z)
— lowercase letters (a-z)
— base 10 digits (0-9)
— non-alphanumeric (such as ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + – = { } | \ : ” ; ‘ < > ? , . / and space)
– Passwords should not match the username, or parts of the user’s full name, such as their first name.

Password Aging

– Passwords must be changed every ‘X’ months, where ‘X’ can be 6 months.
– At least four (4) characters must be changed when new passwords are created.
– New passwords must comply with the password requirements defined in the previous section.

** For admin users enforce a more strict password policy.

Read more: Password policies and guidelines, Password policies and best practices , Configuring Password Policies